Module 1: Living with

Site: Helsekompetanse
Course: Breathe
Book: Module 1: Living with
Printed by: Gjestebruker
Date: Friday, 17 January 2025, 12:10 PM

Living with the situation

When your breathing fails it is important to try and accept the situation.  During the online course, you will meet several users of assistive respiratory devices, who tell their stories about living with respiratory support. Jørgen says:

You will be introduced to Jørgen, Vanja and Øyvind during the course, and their thoughts surrounding the development of the disease and their situation as users of respiratory support.

Learning outcomes

Through video interviews with various users, you will learn about differences, in that that no human being is the same, and that good communication between helpers and the person who needs help is vital in order to achieve a good result.

People of different ages, gender, life situation and personality have different interests and needs. You will also learn that assistive devices and assistants are there to help people overcome obstacles in their daily lives and thus best meet the expectations of the users.

Meet Jørgen

You will be able to read more about Jørgen and his opinions, as the Pust course progresses. The following links are about Jørgen:

Accepting the situation and focusing on possibilities

You have two choices

Only five years to live?

My life is my life

Growing up

Playing with other children

The importance of good respite care

Experiencing respiratory failure

Night ventilator


Daytime ventilator


Thoughts about the treatment

From a mask to a tracheostomy

Jørgen etter trakeostomi.
Jørgen after tracheostomy.

Becoming independent

Get out of your comfort zone

Responsibility for your own health

My life, my choices

Look at your options. Often there’s more than one route to take

Jump after Wirkola ... or not?

We all have to overcome challenges

Meet Vanja and Øyvind


Vanja was a happy girl from Trondheim where she lived with her parents. She attended upper secondary school and enjoyed photography, films and computers.
She had some good friends and many interests. Vanja loved travelling to the family’s cabin in Trøndelag and to other places around the world. Her family and best friend were the most important people in Vanje’s life. With so many good helpers and a lot of determination almost everything was possible even though she needed someone alert and awake by her side 24/7.

Vanja suffered with a chronic respiratory infection and her lungs were stiff, as a result she was prone to infections. Despite this, the disease was kept under control for the last ten years with 14 days of chemical treatment at a hospital every three months. Sadly for all involved, her life came to an end in October 2014.
Vanja had many life desires and dreams, and luckily she got to experience many of them. Her family feel that it’s important that others in a similar situation benefit from the messages in the video interviews we made in Trondheim in April 2014. They’re about maintaining a sense of humour, togetherness, well-being, respect for one’s convictions and heaps of love!

Now you’re going to meet Vanja just before her 18th birthday.


Øyvind lives with his brother in a house in Narvik. Both brothers have home mechanical ventilation and require assistance with practical tasks. They have arranged it in a way that a team of assistants gives them around the clock care, so in that respect they live very well. They have a home cinema, a home that has been practically furnished with even a pinball game. They have a system for training their assistants and Øyvind likes to make his own decisions to the extent possible. He wants to take responsibility for himself and his health. The assistants are actually living ‘assistive devices’  – his arms and legs that no long function the way they should.

You are now going to meet 44-year-old Øyvind, who needs respiratory support and other assistance.